GST Registration

GST is the biggest tax reform in India,

tremendously improving ease of doing business and increasing the taxpayer base in India by bringing in millions of small businesses in India. By abolishing and subsuming multiple taxes into a single system, tax complexities would be reduced while tax base is increased substantially. Under the new GST regime, all entities involved in buying or selling goods or providing services or both are required to register for GST. Entities without GST registration would not be allowed to collect GST from a customer or claim an input tax credit of GST paid and/or could be penalised. Further, registration under GST is mandatory once an entity crosses the minimum threshold turnover of starts a new business that is expected to cross the prescribed turnover.

AJ Associate offer quick services of registration under GST. Our skilled professionals offer end to end assistance for registration under the new act. We require few basic documents mandated by the law for attaining GST Identification Number (GSTIN), viz. PAN Card, Certificate of Business, Photographs, copy of Bank Pass Book, Bank Account Number etc. We also provide hassle free timely monthly tax payments for our customers.

GST Returns

Goods and service Tax Returns

The onset of the Financial year 2017-18 renders GST (Goods and Service Tax) in full swing with an intent to increase the tax base and reduce tax complexities. Every proprietor, business entity (whether big or small) involved in sale and purchase of goods and services will fall within the GST ambit. For non-compliant businesses, the Government has ruled it illegal to garner GST from customers.

Aimed at reducing complexities, the concept of GST will take time to sink in amongst business entities. AJ Associate works at lightning speed and is well-aware pertaining to intricacies of GST, GST returns and GST compliance filing. You can schedule an appointment with AJ Associate advisor for consultation on GST registration as well; thus, deciphering how this upcoming ‘Unified Platform’ will reap benefits for your company.

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